
For the past several days, I keep thinking to myself....I really should update the blog. Not a whole lot is going on around here, though. So, I guess I'll just tell you everything and if you find it interesting, then YAY for me. If not, well....you're the one who chose to read it. LOL

Pete has been working a bit of overtime the past several weeks - thank goodness, because we're still playing catch up (financially) from him being away for union-mandated training. As much as I hate that he has to work some Saturdays, it is nice from time to time to have the extra cash.

Aside from working, he is FINALLY getting around to taking scuba lessons. I bought him a gift card for his....29th(?) birthday and he's just proudly carried the gift card in his wallet ever since. I'm hoping he loves it as much as he wants to love it....quite the adventurer that husband of mine. My latest realization about him is that he just isn't content being on the ground - it's gotta be flying or diving....air or water. Me, on the other hand, I prefer the warmth and comfort of my home.

Piper is learning and growing by the second. Lately, she likes to say "Come ON!, " "OH MAN," and "Where are you?"....so stinkin cute! I know that she understands far more than she lets us know. She's counting solidly from 1 to 10 and to watch her try to count objects is just awesome. Of course, she doesn't count them correctly, but that's not what matters at this point.

Last weekend I made "Piper's Chore Chart" which hangs in the kitchen under my own chore chart (no, Pete doesn't have one....yet. hahha). It doesn't consist of anything too complicated. If only my own chores consisted of brush teeth, pick up toys, don't have a time out, and eat all my veggies. Boy oh boy, would I be a happy woman! She gets to put her velcro flowers on her chart at the end of each day. She hasn't completely gotten the hang of it yet, but I figure (just as with everything else) as long as we're consistent, she'll get it.

What's new with me.....

This week has been rather productive. I managed to get our taxes out to the accountant (terrified of them coming back, but whatev), washed and vacuumed the car, got a minor repair done on the car as well as got a rock chip filled, got my ring cleaned, got Pete in for a tux fitting, kept up very nicely on all of my chores, and talked to Worksource about going back to school. Oh....yeah....I think I'm heading back to school.

Pete and I have talked about what school would mean for us as a family....I'm sure we'll continue to talk about it. In the mean time, I've turned in my application for Lake Washington Technical School for their Multimedia Design Program. The application is the first of many steps. I'll be going to WorkSource several times over the next week to attend orientation, advising, etc. It means more student loans and it may mean putting off buying a house. I don't know. I don't know what the future holds. Going back to school would be exciting and scary. But, I know I have Pete's full support and this could mean that I'd actually be happy going back to work. Who knows....maybe I won't get any financial aid and it won't happen at all.

Aside from that, I am just waiting for Spring/Summer to finally arrive. I am really itching to get out my planters and start loading those babies up with flowers! I want to go to the park...I want (need) the sun!

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