Chickenpox Parties? WHAT?!?!?!

My intent for having a blog is not to post my opinion about controversial topics...follow that up with a huge, HOWEVER....

I am watching an episode of The Doctors and the first topic they brought up is something called a "Chicken Pox Party." Apparently there are actually parents out there who have these little get togethers and INTENTIONALLY expose their perfectly healthy child to an infected child with chicken pox so they don't have to deal with it later in life and experience the adult complications. Not only do they expose them....they ENCOURAGE germ sharing!!

I am so disgusted that all I can say is that these people need to seriously be investigated. This is not something to take lightly. Ever heard of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome?

Google it people. And don't try to change my opinion if you actually think this is ok. Save your breath.

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